
Evernote mac outlook plugin
Evernote mac outlook plugin

evernote mac outlook plugin

Powerbot - is interesting but it is strongly connected to Gmail - i am asking for a more generic solution I have a working solution with Alfred and workflow script that easily moves email to Evernote without emailing them - it has problems with format (swedish characters and HTML). I am using Evernote to save important mails that is containing information that i will need in the future - today i need to mail the email to Evernote and then start Evernote and do the tagging. (a side note, i am using clipper to add documents and it would be perfect if you could add the same tagging functionality to clipper). The way you have solved this in the web clipper is perfect. This is very cumbersome if you are spelling your tags different (gives you many tags that means the same thing). You can tag but only in a very simple way in the subject line. It is not working when you are offline.Ģ. I wants to add some ideas regarding the mail integration.įirst i want to say that the possibility to mail to Evernote is great but it has two major drawbacks.ġ.

evernote mac outlook plugin

Hi Evernote and all users in this thread.

Evernote mac outlook plugin